The fun doesn’t have to be limited to ice cream flavors. You can also have kids try a variety of toppings such as sprinkles, cookie dough, syrups and broken up pieces of ice cream cones.  Give each kid a bowl with a scoop of ice cream, and have them sit around a table that has been stocked with toppings. One at a time, they pass the die around, rolling it to see which component they get to add to their sundae first. The die keeps getting passed and rolled until kids complete their sundae.  The player closest to the large bowl of sprinkles must scoop the cone into the bowl, picking up as many sprinkles as he can (but is only allowed to scoop once). He must then pour the sprinkles from his cone into the cone of the next player in line. That player has to pour them into the next player’s cone. This continues down the line until the last player, who must pour any sprinkles left into the empty bowl. Keep playing like this until the smaller bowl is full.