Herbs are grown for culinary use as well as for decorative enjoyment. You can interplant herbs in flowering containers because they add great fragrance and texture to the overall appeal of the container. The following list contains some favorite herbs to grow in pots. Parsley comes in two types: Italian, also called flat leaf parsley, and curly parsley, which is the more common variety used by restaurants as a plate garnish. Many people prefer flat parsley for cooking and curly parsley for garnishes because flat parsley is said to be more flavorful. Parsley prefers full sun but can grow in partial shade. It’s very hardy and will make it through a frost. I’ve even found perfectly usable parsley under a few inches of snow. To harvest, just snip off at the base of a stem. As with most herbs, the more you harvest, the more the plant grows. Parsley is biennial, which means that it can come back for two years, though some think the leaves are more bitter the second year. Mint likes full sun, but most will tolerate some shade. Some, like spearmint, can be very tall and leggy and some are low spreaders, so make sure to read the plant tag. Mint will thrive and become bushy if you keep it pinched back. As a bonus, mint roots easily from cuttings. Especially tasty are pineapple mint with its variegated leaves, apple mint, or chocolate mint. When making fresh brewed iced tea, add handfuls of mint while it is steeping. You can also make an easy tea (also called a tisane) by simply pouring water, just after it has boiled, over the mint leaves and steeping for a few minutes. Spearmint makes a particularly delicious tea. Oregano spreads nicely in a container and goes with almost any other plant. Basil also doesn’t like to be crowded and needs plenty of air circulation to be happy, so give each plant plenty of space. Basil gets cranky if its leaves stay wet, so water carefully. Try to let the soil dry out a bit between watering, but not to the point where the plant wilts. When your plants are about six inches tall, pinch them back so they will grow full and bushy. Make sure to keep harvesting and pinching back for the best production. After you pick basil, never refrigerate it because it turns black. Either use it right away or use it to make pesto and freeze. Basil is very easy to root in water. You don’t want to let basil plants flower, because it will become bitter, so keep harvesting it or pinching it back. Genovese basil is good for pesto, ‘Siam’ basil for Asian recipes, and lemon basil for garnishing drinks. Large-leafed basil like ‘Mammoth’ or curly basil are great for sandwiches. ‘Spicy Globe’ has tiny leaves and is a compact bushy plant and is gorgeous and looks beautiful in a small pot. There are also several purple basils that are tasty as well as beautiful and look great with cut flowers. Rosemary needs full sun and well-drained soil. Let it dry out a bit between watering, but don’t let it dry out completely. If you live in USDA hardiness zone 9 or higher, (where temperatures stay above 20 degrees Fahrenheit), chances are good you can grow rosemary outside year-round.