Hydrogen Peroxide Precautions in the Laundry

Never mix hydrogen peroxide with household ammonia, chlorine bleach, or vinegar in a closed container. Dangerous gases can form.  You’re also wasting money if you use hydrogen peroxide and chlorine bleach in the same wash load. Combining the two won’t double the whiteness of dingy laundry. The sodium hypochlorite of the chlorine bleach is a much more potent oxidant and will immediately break down the hydrogen peroxide into just plain water. So opt for one or the other in each load. Also, note that hydrogen peroxide is highly light-sensitive, which is why it is sold in dark containers. It will lose its cleaning ability if transferred to a clear container; instead, add a spray nozzle directly to the dark bottle to easily spot-clean stains. It is most effective when freshly opened but will still provide cleaning and disinfecting qualities for about six months. Eventually, the hydrogen and oxygen molecules will revert into a bottle of plain water. An unopened bottle of hydrogen peroxide has a shelf life of around one year. Because most commercial oxygen-based bleaches are composed of ingredients that break down into hydrogen peroxide along with some brightening additives, you can use 3% hydrogen peroxide instead. Simply add 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide to the washer drum before adding the water and clothes. The hydrogen peroxide can also be placed in the automatic bleach dispenser of the washer where it will be dispersed into the wash cycle. Furthermore, hydrogen peroxide is also quite effective in removing yellow underarm stains from white clothes when combined with baking soda and water. Even though it is a very mild form of bleach, it is best to test hydrogen peroxide on colored clothes in an inconspicuous spot (e.g., the hem or inside seam) to make sure the colors don’t fade. Just dip a cotton swab in the hydrogen peroxide, and rub it on the fabric. If color transfers to the swab, don’t proceed.  To treat stains, pour or spray a small amount of hydrogen peroxide on the stain. Allow it to soak into the fabric for about 10 minutes before washing the garment as usual. When your washer needs a cleaning, add 2 cups of hydrogen peroxide to the empty washer drum. Then, run a hot water wash cycle to make your washer smell fresh and clean. A monthly cleaning will usually prevent a stinky repeat. The easiest way to use hydrogen peroxide to brighten colored fabrics is to pour 1 cup into the bleach dispenser. It will be added during the wash cycle when there is plenty of water to dilute it. If you don’t have a dispenser, dilute 1 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide with 2 cups of water, and add that to the empty washer drum. Then, load your colored clothes, and wash as usual. Simply mix 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide with enough water to completely submerge the smelly items. Allow them to soak for at least 15 minutes, though 30 minutes is better. Then, wash as usual. For an entire washer load of musty towels or foul-smelling athletic gear, add 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide. Give the fabric time to soak (up to an hour). Then add detergent and wash with hot water.