In fact, you can accomplish a lot in 10 minutes, especially if you focus on one small area. It’s amazing how much organizing you can complete in your kitchen in just 10 minutes, and ditto for your bathroom and clothes closet. Think about how many times during the week you are presented with time in a 10-minute increment: waiting at the doctor’s office, waiting to pick your kids up at school, or waiting for that pot to boil. Stop waiting and start doing with this list of ways to be more organized 10 minutes—or less.

10-Minute Chunks of Time Are Everywhere

Think about all the 10-minute chunks of time that pop up throughout the day: 

Waiting for everyone to finish brushing their teeth in the morningThe first 10 minutes after you walk through the doorSitting in the waiting room before an appointmentWaiting for a pot to boil or cheese to melt

Break Large Projects Into 10-Minute Segments

Say you need to organize your bathroom but you can’t find a full three-hour chunk of time on your calendar to set aside. While you may not be able to do the whole room all at once, you can complete a whole-room bathroom organization in incremental, 10-minute projects: Tasks such as inventorying toiletries, decluttering under the sink, washing your makeup brushes, and so on can take just a few minutes and move you closer to a more organized space with every project. If you’re sold on the idea but still unsure where to begin, put yourself to work by completing one of these tasks. Whether you’re in the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, or at your computer, follow these steps to help you become more organized—quickly and fairly painlessly. Know that 10 minutes is more than enough to make a dent in home organization, office organization, or life organization. Try it out and see how much can you accomplish in a small amount of time.