Zucchini is a summer squash, but not all summer squash are zucchinis. Summer squashes in the same species carry names like yellow squash, crookneck, narrow neck, pattypan, cousa, tatume, tromboncino, and zephyr. Winter squash includes pumpkins, acorn, butternut, and Hubbard. Last, but not least, in the squash family are inedible gourds, a decorative addition to the garden.

Summer vs. Winter Squash vs. Gourds

Zucchini and similar types are known as summer squash because they are typically picked and eaten when partially ripe in the summer. Virtually all of these summer squashes are just genetic variations of the same species, Curbita pepo. A whole other class of squashes is known as winter squash, so-called because they are eaten when fully ripe in the fall and tend to have thicker shells that allow them to keep on the shelf for several weeks or months. This class includes squash with names like butternut, Hubbard, acorn, and spaghetti squash. Several species comprise the winter squash group, but most are found in Cucurbita maxium and Cucurbita moschata.
Then there are pumpkins, which is just a fancy name for a type of round winter squash that happens to have an orange color and a thick rind that makes it good for carving. Most are members of Cucurbita pepo, but some fall into other squash species. And don’t forget gourds, which is an assigned name for a whole group of squashes that aren’t all that good for eating but have fascinating knobby, lumpy, and colorful shells. The various non-edible gourds are usually members of C. pepo or a related squash species in a different genus, Lagunaria siceraria. Confused yet? No worries: Here are eight types of squash that are worth your while. All are quite easy for beginners to grow. Some varieties make better carving pumpkins and others have better flavor or texture for baking and cooking. But it’s hard to go wrong. There are even ghostly white varieties that make a double impact. Although pumpkins look like winter squash (and are categorized as such), they don’t store as well as truly hard-shell winter squash. Be prepared to use them up within a couple of months. There are certainly plenty of cooking options.

USDA Growing Zones: Grown as an annual in zones 3–9Color Varieties: Fruit is usually orange, but there are varieties with white, yellow, or blue-green fruit.Sun Exposure: Full sunSoil Needs: Rich, well-draining

Zucchini plants are space hogs, so if you have a small garden, consider growing them on trellises. But they are so productive that most people find that two plants are enough to keep a large family in all the squash they need. Harvest zucchini while they’re young and tender, and the plants will keep setting more fruits.

USDA Growing Zones: Grown as an annual in zones 2–11Color Varieties: Fruit is normally light or dark green, speckled or striped; some hybrids are golden.Sun Exposure: Full sunSoil Needs: Rich, well-draining

USDA Growing Zones: Grown as an annual in zones 2–11.Color Varieties: Fruit is pale yellow to golden yellow, sometimes with green also present.Sun Exposure: Full sunSoil Needs: Rich, well-draining

It can be a little difficult to figure out how to cut a pattypan squash but don’t let that stop you. The skin is tender and needs no peeling. The best way to eat them is to pick them while they are only a couple of inches in size, then cook and serve them whole. If the blossom is still attached, all the better.

USDA Growing Zones: Grown as an annual in zones 2–11.Color Varieties: Fruit is bright yellow or light greenSun Exposure: Full sunSoil Needs: Rich, well-draining

It takes about 85 days for acorn squash to mature from seed, and picked fruit needs to ripen for seven to 10 days before it is cured and ready to eat. It is most often served baked.

USDA Growing Zones: Grown as an annual in zones 4–11Color Varieties: Fruit is dark green with a stubby, rounded shape; flesh is yellow-orange.Sun Exposure: Full sunSoil Needs: Rich, well-draining

It takes at least 110 days for butternut squash to mature to the harvesting stage, so gardeners with a shorter growing season should start seeds indoors or buy nursery seedlings. The picked fruits need to cure for five to seven days before they are ready to eat. The fruits will keep for several months when stored in a cool, dark place (but not the refrigerator).

USDA Growing Zones: Grown as an annual in zones 3–10Color Varieties: Fruit is pinkish-brown or beigeSun Exposure: Full sunSoil Needs: Rich, well-draining

Hubbard squash takes at least 100 days from seed germination to harvest. The fruits are ready to pick when the vine starts to turn dry. Cut the stem about two inches from where it attaches to the fruit. Allow the picked fruit to cure for 10 days to two weeks before eating. Fruit can be stored in a cool dark place for up to six months. Make sure to leave a two-inch section of stem attached to the fruit when storing.

USDA Growing Zones: Grown as an annual in zones 3–10Color Varieties: Fruit has a grayish-green or blue-green skin; flesh is orangeSun Exposure: Full sunSoil Needs: Rich, well-draining

Seed manufacturers usually sell seeds in assorted mixes that combine different types of gourds. For example, you can “big gourd,” “small gourd” or “daisy gourd” mixes that include lots of shapes, sizes, and colors. Bottle gourds are more likely to be sold as individual varieties. There is a gourd variety for every taste and every size of garden. You can experiment by growing different types each year and then spend the winter enjoying what you’ve grown.

USDA Growing Zones: Grown as annuals in zones 2–11Color Varieties: Various shades of yellow, orange, green, and multi-colorsSun Exposure: Full sunSoil Needs: Rich, well-draining