Why Tell These Families Apart?

Sparrows (family Emberizidae) and finches (family Fringillidae) are very similar. And both families have many different birds that even more advanced birders may simply classify as little brown jobs when the field marks aren’t clear enough for a positive, distinct identification. There are subtle differences between these families, however, and birders who learn the proper jizz to tell finches and sparrows apart can better appreciate the gentle differences that make each bird unique. This can increase one’s appreciation for bird diversity. And as birders better learn to distinguish between finches and sparrows, they will sharpen all their birding skills for faster, more accurate identifications of all types of birds.

Finches vs. Sparrows

While these birds are so similar that there are no exact, hard and fast rules to tell them apart, there are good general guidelines birders can follow when deciding if a bird is a finch or a sparrow. This can help birders narrow down tricky identifications, and while there are always exceptions, understanding the general characteristics of these birds makes it easier to find those exceptions. When deciding if a bird is a finch or a sparrow, look for the following basic traits.

Overall SizeWhile there is much overlap between these families, sparrows are often, though not always, larger and bulkier, with stouter builds and deeper chests. Finches tend to be smaller and more delicate, with a sleeker, more streamlined appearance. Dimorphic GendersBirds that show distinct differences in color and markings between the genders are more often finches, not sparrows. Males tend to be brighter, though they can appear much more similar to females in the non-breeding season when their plumage is duller. FlocksWhile either of these birds may join mixed flocks, particularly during the fall and winter when different species may forage together, finches are more likely to be found in larger flocks with more birds. Sparrows tend to stay alone or in smaller groups. ColorationSparrows have subtle colors and more earth tones in their plumage, though they can have very fine and distinct markings, including eye lines, well-defined facial patterns, or clear streaking on the underparts. Finches are typically brighter with bold splashes of yellow or red on their plumage, but often have less refined markings. Bill Size and ShapeBoth of these birds eat a wide variety of seeds, but sparrows prefer larger seeds and grains while finches prefer finer seeds such as a Nyjer. Their bills reflect those preferences, and sparrows’ bills are generally larger and thicker, often with a slight curvature on the culmen. Finches have smaller, more delicate bills that are more sharply pointed. Tail LengthSparrows generally have longer tails that they are more apt to actively flash, wag, or wave. Finches have shorter tails that are generally narrower, and they do not flash their tails as frequently.

By comparing several of these general characteristics, birders can learn the basic jizz differences between most finches and sparrows.

Other Similar Birds

While finches and sparrows are so similar that they can be confusing, there are other birds that are also difficult to distinguish from these two families. With many other birds, however, there are easily seen key differences that quickly alert birders that they are neither sparrows nor finches.

Grosbeaks: These birds look similar to sparrows but are usually much larger, with very heavy, thick bills with wide bases for cracking the largest seeds. These birds have larger heads, and may often show crests or other unique head shapes. Warblers: These small birds are similar to finches but tend to have longer, thinner bills with straight rather than triangular shapes, and they are more acrobatic in the trees. Males tend to be much more colorful, with a wider array of colors in their plumage, including blue, yellow-green, orange, rufous, and other shades not typically found on most finches. Wrens: Similar in color to sparrows, wrens show more barring on the wings and tail than sparrows typically have. Their bills are long and thin for plucking insects, and while their tails may be long like sparrows, wrens typically hold their tails cocked sharply upward while sparrows do not. Chickadees: With a quick glance, chickadees can resemble either finches or sparrows, but their plumage is more pied than either bird family, and they are far more energetic and acrobatic. They travel in larger flocks and have bold facial markings that set them apart.

By learning the distinct features of sparrows, finches, and other birds that look similar to these two confusing families, birders can better distinguish between them and sharpen their birding skills for every little brown job they see.