We all experience this sales routine regularly, not just with garage door installers, and it can be frustrating. But it’s not always aimed at ripping us off. Just because a professional thinks we need more than we think we need does not mean they are trying to fool us. Sometimes they really are trying to help us.

Legitimate Versus Illegitimate Up-Selling

So, how can you distinguish between a legitimate and an illegitimate up-sell effort when dealing with garage door installers and repairmen? Here are some suggestions that Lombard offers for service technicians who have been called on a garage door problem. The suggestions are good ones for the technician, but they also offer the consumer a good means of judging the character and competence of the technician who shows up at their house. Lombard says the service technician should: Most consumers develop a sense of when someone is trying to sell them something they don’t need, but they also have a sense of when someone is sharing useful advice based on their experience and knowledge. If the garage door installer or repairman you contact about any replacements or repairs fits this latter description, everyone benefits.