We can assure you there’s no need to freak out—you’re not destined for bad feng shui. It’s okay to have your living room, or any room for that matter, fall into two bagua areas. In fact, a room can overlap into two areas without any issues at all. It’s like life: Our lives don’t fall into perfect boxes. It’s not bad or good, it’s neutral.

Living Rooms, a Room to Live

Your living room represents the social part of your life. It’s where you engage socially as well as rest and relax with others. We greet our friends and have conversations here. Your family gathers here, too. It’s half private and half public. There’s often a sofa and some chairs around a low table to sit and connect. It’s a space where many things happen at many different times, so it makes sense that a living room can fall into any of the nine bagua areas. Because it’s a more public space, this room often falls towards the front of the home, but it’s not a rule. And it’s not better or worse if your living room is in the rear of the home. Instead, we encourage you to think of your living room as an opportunity to improve how you live.

The Bagua Areas

There are different meanings and metaphors that correspond to each bagua area. If your living room happens to fall into two of them, then look at both bagua areas with their attributes. You can work both areas to your benefit. Here’s a quick overview of how you can use the energy of each bagua area for the living room. Since the living room is a shared space, the feng shui can affect all the people in your home.


Zhen is the area connected to family and new beginnings. Cultivate and grow family harmony with a new living green plant. Care for this plant with kindness and generosity.


Xun is the wealth and abundance sector of the bagua map. Welcome prosperity with amethyst crystals. You can also add purple accents like throw pillows or artwork.


Tai qi is the center of the home and represents health. Support the well-being of your entire family and home with a square rug for stability. It can also be an earthy color, like yellow, orange, or brown for more earth element.


Qian area calls upon helpful people and is also connected to travel. Invite help and support by ringing metal bells on occasion or hang a metal wind chime. The metallic material and sound vibrates and attracts helpful people to you and your family.


Dui area is connected to completion and children. A feng shui crystal ball or metal objects in this area can bring joy, clarity, and precision in your projects and for your children.


Gen is the knowledge and self-cultivation area of the bagua map. A large heavy rock, statue, or other earthy object in the living room can support and give weight to your knowledge and skillfulness.


Li position is related to passion and recognition. Fresh cut red flowers can inspire and liven up the home. Be sure to keep the flowers and the water fresh.


Kan area represents career and your path in life. Black is related to this bagua area, so you can improve your career with black accents such as light fixtures or furniture.


Kun is the area connected to relationships and partnerships. Finally, to support the relationships in the home, you can work with pairs. An example is a pair of side tables, or matching artwork. Better yet, a pair of rose quartz crystals can invite a loving partnership.

Apply What Is Necessary

Figure out the one or two bagua areas that correspond to your living room and apply some of these practices if they’re relevant. If it’s not necessary, no need to implement because the truth is that not everything or every area of your home needs a feng shui adjustment.