Bobo blooms from early to late summer with flowers that form large panicles with a pyramidal shape—an identifying feature of all paniculata hydrangeas. The flowers are initially white but gradually turn pink, then deepen into purplish as fall approaches. Bobo is not one of those hydrangeas whose floral color is dependent on soil pH. If you want to manipulate the color of your hydrangeas, grow a variety of Hydrangea macrophylla. Panicle hydrangeas are generally fast-growing shrubs, expanding as much as 25 inches per year. As a dwarf plant, Bobo is a bit slower-growing, but depending on the size of the nursery plant purchased, it likely will reach its full stature within two years. The standard planting time is spring after the soil temperatures have warmed. Like all hydrangeas, the plant is toxic to pets. At the end of the season, rake up and remove any fallen foliage that might harvest fungal spores to, prevent fungal diseases.


Bobo does best in a full sun location in most regions, but it is very tolerant of part shade. In warm southern climates, it will need some shade from the afternoon sun but does not tolerate deep shade.


Panicle hydrangeas prefer acidic soil (pH range between 5.8 and 6.2) that is rich and well-draining, similar to that in which azaleas thrive. Neutral or alkaline soils can be amended with sulfur or peat moss to lower the pH. Unlike other hydrangea species, you can’t change flower color by altering the soil pH.


Bobo will thrive with about one inch of water per week, either through rainfall or irrigation.

Temperature and Humidity

Panicle hydrangeas adapt well to the climate conditions throughout zones 3 to 8. Bobo is less affected by winter burn than some other varieties. Very humid weather can make it susceptible to leaf spots and other fungal problems, but the problem is rarely serious.


In rich soil, this plant will not need any feeding. If soil is poor, a light application of fertilizer in spring is a good idea—use a fertilizer formulation designed to promote flowering, such as 15-30-15. For the amount to use, follow the product label instructions. Avoid overfeeding with nitrogen, as this can lead to lush leaf growth but few flowers.

Dwarf varieties of panicle hydrangea are not common, but there are several other cultivars of Hydrangea paniculata to consider:

‘Little Lime’: This 3- to 5-foot variety has blooms that open as pale green, then develop into a deep pink as fall approaches. It blooms from July into September.‘Little Quick Fire’: This is another 3- to 5-foot plant. It blooms from July into September with white flowers that gradually turn pink with red highlights.‘Lavalamp Flare’: This is another very compact plant, at 2 to 3 feet. It blooms in July and August with white flowers that turn pinkish-red.


Bobo does not require regular pruning, as it has a naturally dense and compact form. If you want to prune it for shape as a hedge shrub, do so in early spring or late winter before new growth has started. Simply prune the tips of the branches to form the shape desired. This plant blooms on current year wood, so pruning too late in the spring will compromise the flower production for that year.

Propagating Bobo Hydrangea

Bobo is a trademarked variety and its propagation, either by cuttings or from seed, is an infringement of intellectual property rights.

Potting and Repotting

Bobo is small and compact enough to be grown in a container. Transplant it from its plastic nursery pot to a terra-cotta pot, which works better for hydrangeas because it absorbs water and the soil remains cooler. The container should be one or two sizes larger than the current pot and have a wide, flat base to prevent the top-heavy hydrangea from toppling over. Make sure the pot has large drain holes. Add enough potting mix to fill the pot and gently press it down. Water it well until water runs out of the drain holes. Like all container plants, potted hydrangea needs more frequent watering than plants in garden soil.


When planted in garden soil, Bobo does not need any winter protection although adding a layer of mulch around the base is always a good way of insulating the roots against the cold. Potted hydrangeas need to be protected from winter chills. There is no need to bring the containers indoors but provide additional insulation around the container. Either place it in a larger pot or box and fill the space with mulch or sand or build a silo to winterize the plant. You can also wrap the sides of the container with bubble wrap or burlap.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Bobo hydrangeas can be susceptible to bud blight, bacterial wilt, leaf spot, rust, and powdery mildew. These are more likely to occur in warm, wet climates, or where air circulation is poor. Water at the base of the plant rather than overhead to reduce the chances of fungal infection. If necessary, a fungicide spray such as copper can be applied to prevent or treat fungal infections. Aphids and mites can be occasional problems. Blasting the plant with water spray can often dislodge these pests. Or, they can be treated by spraying the plant with horticultural oil or pesticide.

How to Get Bobo Hydrangea to Bloom

To encourage Bobo hydrangea to bloom, use a fertilizer that is high in phosphorus and not high in nitrogen, which only encourages foliage growth. Make sure it gets the right amount of sunlight, either too much or too little sun can affect the bloom. Don’t prune in the spring when you might accidentally remove new buds. If you’ve taken all of these steps and your Bobo hydrangea still doesn’t bloom, the flower buds might have been killed during a late spring frost, or one of the other reasons why a hydrangea doesn’t bloom—it is not yet fully established.