Ice plants typically begin blooming in spring and continue throughout the growing season. These fast-growing plants are best planted by midsummer in cooler climates, but in hot climates fall planting is preferred. Make sure your planting location has a lot of sun and fast-draining soil. Space plants 15 to 18 inches apart, as they will quickly spread to fill the empty space. Each spring, prune out any winter-killed stems.


Ice plants need a considerable amount of full sun to ensure that they flower profusely. Sun-starved plants tend to get leggy with weak growth. Be sure to provide them with at least six hours of direct sunlight.


Dry soil with excellent drainage is essential for an ice plant. The plant will suffer under conditions that are constantly moist, and it won’t grow at all in dense clay soil. Sandy and gravelly soils are ideal for this plant. The soil does not need to be rich in nutrients.


Once established, water your ice plant sparingly during the growing season. One watering every two weeks should be sufficient during periods when there is no rainfall, though a weekly watering might be necessary during hot weather. Let your ice plant dry out before winter, so it’s not sitting in soil that is too moist. If snow cover is likely in your area, mulch the ice plant with a dry mulch, such as straw, to keep it dry for the winter.

Temperature and Humidity

All types of ice plant, including the so-called “hardy” varieties, are sensitive to cold temperatures. Be sure to check the hardiness range for any new ice plant you’d like to grow as a perennial. If you live in a snowy climate, winter mulching might be recommended. They grow best in dry climates.


It can be helpful to add compost or a slow-release fertilizer made for flowers, following label instructions, when planting. Ice plants can also do well with no feeding whatsoever. However, container-grown ice plants are likely to need feeding, as the soil nutrients in pots become depleted more quickly than garden soil. Weak growth or a lack of blooms can be signs that feeding is necessary.

Types of Ice Plants

There are several types of ice plants, including:

Delosperma brunnthaleri: This is a hardy ground cover that grows around 2 inches tall and 2 feet wide with yellow flowers. It’s suitable for zones 4 to 9.Delosperma floribundum ‘Starburst’: This is a mat-forming cultivar that has pink flowers with white centers. It’s suitable for zones 6 to 8.Delosperma cooperi: This plant features magenta flowers and grows around 3 to 6 inches tall. It’s suitable for zones 6 to 10.Lampranthus aurantiacus: This species has bright orange flowers and an upright growth habit, reaching around 15-18 inches high. It’s suitable for zones 9 to 11.Lampranthus haworthii: This plant sports blue-green foliage and pink or purple flowers. It’s suitable for zones 9 to 11.

Propagating Ice Plants

Ice plants can spread and self-seed to propagate naturally if you let them. Often, you’ll find stems that have spread and rooted in the soil away from the parent plant. You can simply snip the stem and carefully dig up the newly rooted plant to transplant. They also are easily propagated by division. Not only will this result in a cost-effective new plant, but it also can help to revive a mature plant. The best time to divide a mature plant is in the spring. Here’s how:

Potting and Repotting Ice Plant

Ice plants will grow well in any well-draining potting mix, such as a mix formulated for succulents. Or, a mixture of standard peat-based potting mix and sand or fine gravel works well. Any type of pot works well, provided it has good drainage—root rot can quickly develop if the roots get waterlogged. A thin layer of fine gravel placed over the potting mix will help keep the leaves dry. If growing ice plant in containers, move the pots into a sheltered, frost-free location for the winter. They can be kept alive indoors through the winter, but do not make great permanent houseplants. Reduce watering in the winter, as the plants tend to enter a semi-dormant period. These plants spread quickly, so it’s typical to divide and repot them each spring.

Common Pests

Aphids and mealybugs can be an occasional problem with ice plants. Look for leaf and stem damage and sticky or otherwise abnormal substances that these bugs leave behind on the plants. Treat small infestations by dabbing with cotton swabs dipped in rubbing alcohol.

How to Get Ice Plants to Bloom

Ice plant blooms vary by species. In general, ice plants feature showy, daisy-like flowers in an array of vivid colors with many narrow petals. They begin blooming in the spring, and their bloom period can last for weeks. Some species also might bloom for a second time later in the summer.  Deadheading, or removing the spent flowers, doesn’t typically have much of an effect on ice plants to promote more blooming. What does encourage blooming is providing ice plants with plenty of light. And while they don’t require rich soil, they might need a boost with a flower fertilizer or compost if you have very nutrient-poor soil.

Common Problems With Ice Plants

When grown in the proper conditions, ice plants generally aren’t prone to problems. However, a subpar environment can result in some common issues.

Plant Leaves Falling Off

If you notice that the leaves and stems of your ice plant are withering and dying, that might be a sign of root rot due to overwatering. Soggy soil can rot the roots, and consequently the stems and foliage won’t be able to get the moisture and nutrients they need. Make sure the soil dries out between waterings.

Yellow Leaves

Yellowing ice plant leaves are another common consequence of overwatering. In addition to letting the soil dry out between waterings, make sure the plant has sharp soil drainage. If not, consider digging it up and relocating it before the excess soil moisture can seriously weaken or even kill the plant.