When grown in the garden in the tropical and subtropical climates where they are hardy, peace lilies are normally planted in the spring while it is still cool. When you care for a peace lily indoors, they can be purchased and brought into the home at any time of year, though you will want to protect them from cold temperatures as you transport them. They are moderate growers and will reach maturity in around three years. Note that peace lilies are toxic to pets and people, so be mindful about where you place a peace lily in your house. Caring for a peace lily indoors is relatively easy. Provide your plant with moderately moist soil and filtered sunlight, along with consistently temperate conditions.


Peace lilies need sun, though not direct sunlight. They are shade-loving plants in their native habitats. But peace lilies indoors need a bit more filtered light. (Some varieties can withstand more light than others.) An east-facing window is a prime spot to place a peace lily in your house.


Peace lilies like a rich, loose potting mix that contains plenty of organic matter. These plants are native to tropical canopy conditions where the soil is packed with deteriorating plant material, so you’ll find the best success with soil that mimics this composition. Additionally, the plant is also very sensitive to too-damp soil conditions, so be sure to choose a well-draining mixture.


Peace lilies prefer being under-watered rather than overwatered. How often you should water a peace lily depends on container size and how fast the soil drains, but, in general, water when the top inch of soil has dried out. In winter, reduce watering but never allow the soil to dry out completely. If your water at home is highly chlorinated, it’s a good idea to use filtered water. Alternatively, you can allow tap water to sit for several days until the chlorine evaporates.

Temperature and Humidity

These plants prefer moist warmth. Avoid cold drafts and temperatures that fall below 55 degrees Fahrenheit; the plant will die when exposed to prolonged cold temperatures. The ideal temperature range for your peace lily is 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Spritz the leaves every week with softened or distilled water throughout the summer growing season to raise humidity.


Peace lilies appreciate frequent feedings, which result in the strongest plant and seasonal blooming. Feed your plant weekly in the summer or use slow-release pellets at the beginning of the season. You do not need to fertilize the plant during the winter.

Types of Peace Lilies

Peace lilies have been heavily hybridized and therefore come in dozens of popular varietals. They range in size from miniature to massive and from deep green with snow-white flowers to golden-leaved beauties. Some of the popular types of peace lily include:

​Spathiphyllum ’Power Petite’: A small varietal that grows to only about 15 inchesS. ‘Mauna Loa Supreme’: A very common variety that grows to be between 3 to 4 feet tall, with leaves that are up to 9 inches wideS. ‘Sensation’: The largest peace lily varietal, which reaches up to 6 feet in height with broad, 20-inch long leavesS. ‘Mojo’: A striking, large varietal with vibrant green leavesS. ‘Golden Delicious’: A varietal that features new growth with stunning golden-green colorS. ‘Starlight’: A varietal with narrow leaves that have wavy margins. It’s also known for having multiple blooms, with as many as 20 flowers on a single plant

Propagating Peace Lily

The peace lily is generally propagated by dividing clumps during repotting activities, which can be done during any season. Inspect the plant for small offshoot crowns located adjacent to the main parent plant; this is a sign the plant is ready to divide. Here’s how:

Potting and Repotting Peace Lily

Peace lilies are happiest when they’re somewhat root-bound. However, when the plant has clearly exceeded the capacity of the pot, it can be potted up to a larger container in the early spring. If you notice roots popping up out of the soil and down from the drainage holes, it’s time to repot. It’s ideal to pot the plant in a terracotta or clay vessel that can wick away excess moisture. Always use a high-quality potting mix, and a pot with good drainage.

Common Pests

These plants are free of most diseases and pests that can plague houseplants. But they can be susceptible to scale and mealybugs. Spot treatment with horticultural oil is a good strategy for these pests.

How to Get Peace Lily to Bloom

Peace lilies are notoriously difficult when it comes to blooming. Sometimes even the happiest, healthiest plants don’t bloom outside of their natural rainforest environment. If you’re hoping to have your indoor peace lily bloom, your best bet is to provide it with very consistent ideal conditions, especially when it comes to humidity, diffused light, and consistent fertilizer. The peace lily flower stages are budding, blooming, going to seed, and wilting. The buds are fairly small and unfurl like leaves. It can take some time for them to come in bloom, so be patient. You can snip off depreciated blooms, as they will just sap energy from the plant.

Common Problems With Peace Lily

Under the right growing conditions, peace lilies typically thrive without issues. But some problems can arise if the environment isn’t quite right.

Curling Leaves

Curled, pale leaves generally indicate that the plant is receiving too much light overall. And scorched leaves indicate too much direct sun. In either case, the plant should be moved to a shadier location.

Browning Tips

You might notice browning on your peace lily’s leaf tips. This can be due to too much or too little water, as well as poor soil drainage. It also can arise due to insufficient humidity. Plus, the buildup of salts in the soil might be a culprit. Ensure that your plant is properly watered and that the soil is draining. If that doesn’t seem to be the issue, try flushing the soil by watering until you see water coming from the drainage holes to remove the salts.