This incredible specimen is an example of color theory in garden design, with its blazing scarlet that is often set against the bright blue chilly fall skies, or a stark white field of early snow.   The scarlet oak’s scientific name is Quercus coccinea, Quercus meaning oak and coccinea being the word for scarlet in Latin. This tree, besides being a wonderful home and food source for countless forms of wildlife, and an excellent provider of shade, is defined by the amazing color display it puts on every year. The scarlet oak belongs to a group of oaks called the red oak group which is made up of some other beautiful trees that are often mistaken for the scarlet oak but can never match its fall beauty. Do not mistake the Black Oak, Pin Oak, Northern Red Oak, Nuttail Oak, California Black Oak, Laurel Oak, Water Oak, Shumard Oak, or Willow Oak for the Scarlet Oak when shopping for the tree. It is even misidentified in the nursery trade at times. Look for the deep “C”-shaped lobes on the scarlet oak’s leaves, as compared to the often “U”-shape of other species in the Red Oak group. When wanting to plant the scarlet oak, you will have to take into consideration the scarcity of the tree in the nursery trade. But this should not stop you. The tree can be found online with some searching and it is worth the time. The scarlet oak is an East Coast native so that should give you a head start on where to look. When a large sapling is bought in a container, the tree has often become root-bound and will need to be pruned before it is successfully planted. The root pruning is not subtle either. It is drastic, traumatic, risky, and often dangerous for the tree. Planting a larger oak sapling requires a lot of effort for a slim chance of success. Once planted, the tree will require a lot of healing before the tree begins to show vertical growth.   The solution is easy. Buy the smallest tree that you can possibly find. It is not uncommon to see tiny planted seedlings outgrow ten-foot-tall nursery transplants in just a few years. Pick the spot you plant your Scarlet Oak carefully. A good position for the tree is a full sun vista in a large garden with plenty of room to grow as this tree gets large, reaching 60-80 feet tall, with a spread of 40-50 feet wide, and a trunk diameter up to three feet.


If you provide your scarlet oak with plenty of sun it will be its healthiest and provide you with the best fall color. Full sun is your best bet. 


Plant your tree in well-drained soil that is dry, and, preferably, acidic.


Medium water is all that is required to keep the scarlet oak thriving. It is drought-tolerant once established. 

Temperature and Humidity

If your garden is in Zone 4 through 9 you should have no issues growing the scarlet oak. It does not do well in extreme dry heat.


Resist the urge to fertilize your scarlet oak, it is not necessary. 

Growing Scarlet Oak Trees From Seedlings

Successfully planting a scarlet oak seedling is easy if you follow the Five P’s: