
While lots of pothos plants grow well in low light conditions, this highly variegated variety should be given plenty of bright, indirect light in order to keep ithe foliage bright. Without enough light, the white variegation will begin to fade and revert back to green. Keep your Snow Queen pothos away from direct sunlight which will burn the delicate leaves.


This plant requires moist but well-draining soil. Standard indoor potting soil compacts easily which can suffocate the plant’s roots over time, so it’s best to create an airy, well-draining potting mi x. A mixture of ⅓ orchid bark mix, ⅓ perlite or pumice, and ⅓ indoor potting soil is a good mix.. 


This pothos likes to dry out a bit between waterings and should be watered once the top half of the soil is dry. Soft, drooping leaves are an indication that the plant is ready for water. Don’t worry if you forget to water it on time though, like most pothos plants, the Snow Queen is relatively drought tolerant. Cut back on watering in the winter months when the plant is dormant. 

Temperature and Humidity

Snow Queen pothos is a tropical plant that enjoys warm, humid conditions. Ideal temperatures range between 85 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit, and it is not frost tolerant which makes this an ideal houseplant. Iit can be grown outdoors year-round in USDA zones 10 to 11. Typical household humidity levels are also adequate, although it will thrive if given additional humidity. If you notice the leaves are starting to develop crispy edges, it may mean that your plant needs more humidity. Placing a humidifier nearby or moving it to a more humid room (like a bathroom, kitchen, or laundry room) should prevent further damage. 


Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month during the spring and summer months. Stop fertilizing your Snow Queen pothos during the fall and winter when the plant is dormant.


Pruning is not require to keep this plant healthy, but it is optional and can help to control the size and shape of a mature plant. Plus—you can repurpose stem cuttings for propagation to create new plants or fill out your existing plant. Pruning should be done in the spring or early summer when the plant is actively growing. Avoid pruning in the fall or winter when the plant is dormant. Use a sharp, clean pair of scissors or pruning shears. Keep in mind that new growth will emerge from the closest node(s) to the cut, which may help you decide where to prune. 

Propagating Snow Queen Pothos

Like most pothos, the Snow Queen is easy to propagate. Stem cuttings can be rooted in water in just a matter of weeks and then planted back in soil. Follow these steps to propagate your Snow Queen pothos.

Potting and Repotting Snow Queen Pothos

The Snow Queen pothos only needs to be repotted once it has outgrown its previous container. This is a relatively hardy plant and doesn’t mind being slightly root bound. Depending on its growth rate and growing conditions, you may only need to repot your snow queen pothos once every two to three years. Ensure that your new pot is only one size larger than the previous pot; for example, if the pothos is currently in a 4-inch pot, choose a 6 inch pot as its new container. Moving your plant into a pot that is too large too quickly can result in issues with overwatering. Wait until the spring or early summer months when the plant is actively growing to repot which will help it easily recover from any accidental damage to the roots or foliage. 

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Snow queen pothos is susceptible to a range of common houseplant pests including mealybugs, scale, aphids, and spider mites. Check your plant regularly for signs of pests so that you can catch any potential infestations early. If you do notice pests on your snow queen pothos, ensure that you isolate it immediately from your other houseplants to prevent it from spreading. Snow queen pothos is also susceptible to root rot if it is exposed to overwatered conditions for too long.  

Common Problems With Snow Queen Pothos

This variety of pothos is low-maintenance plants and generally problem-free. However, if sunlight or moisture levels are off, it can exhibit a few minor problems.

Browning Leaves

Leaves that turn brown and crispy are usually a sign that your pothos needs more moisture. Sometimes this is due to underwatering, and other times it is due to a lack of humidity in the air. Unfortunately, you can’t reverse browning on the leaves, but adjusting the moisture available to your plant will prevent any further damage. 

Yellow leaves

Yellow leaves can be a result of numerous different things. It is normal for older leaves to turn yellow and fall off and is a natural part of the leaf’s life cycle. However, if you notice a large number or new leaves turning yellow, this could be the sign of something else. Underwatering, lack of sunlight, or root rot can all cause yellow leaves on a Snow Queen pothos. Evaluating your plant’s living conditions is the best way to determine what might be causing the yellow leaves. 

Curling leaves

If you notice leaves are curling inwards, this is a sign the plant is underwatered. It should perk back up after a thorough watering. 

Losing variegation

Loss of variegation usually results from a lack of light. Ensure your plant is receiving several hours of bright, indirect light a day in order to keep its bright white variegation healthy.