The golden marguerite is generally very easygoing and isn’t associated with specific issues, such as leaf drop or discoloration. It is, however, prone to some insects, like aphids, slugs, or snails. Appropriate watering practices will help lower the chances of an infestation. Ensure a healthy, vibrant bloom by deadheading flowers and lightly pruning.


The golden marguerite is a perennial that does best in full sun. Ideally, locate this plant in a spot that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight daily. The plant can also tolerate partial shade conditions, but it is not suited for sites with full shade. 


The golden marguerite can tolerate various soils, even nutrient-poor, salty, and dry soil. However, it does best with neutral to alkaline, sandy, or loamy soil. The golden marguerite needs loose, well-draining soil and doesn’t grow well in heavy, clay-type ground conditions.  


The golden marguerite is generally drought-tolerant. This makes it a good choice if your garden undergoes periods of dry weather. Still, the golden marguerite will thrive and produce the most abundant flora and foliage with regular watering. Maintain correct soil moisture by ensuring the soil dries between watering sessions. 

Temperature and Humidity

Temperate climates are best for the golden marguerite. Although the plant is drought-resistant, hot and humid temperatures aren’t ideal. These conditions often lead to a shortened lifespan. Hardy in USDA zones 3-7, this plant will even display an evergreen nature in climates with a mild winter. 


Fertilizing a golden marguerite is typically unnecessary. Soil that is too rich in nutrients can produce leggy plants that struggle to stand upright. It’s best to avoid fertilizing golden marguerite plants. 

Types of Golden Marguerite

Anthemis tinctoria ‘E.C. Buxton’Anthemis tinctoria ‘Kelwayi’Anthemis tinctoria ‘Wargrave Variety’Anthemis tinctoria ‘Grallagh Gold’Anthemis tinctoria ‘Sauce Hollandaise’


It’s best to prune your golden marguerite by deadheading its flowers, year-round, as needed, but especially pre-winter. You should prune the plant to 4 inches to aid with the growth of new shoots and flowers.

Propagating Golden Marguerite

You can easily propagate golden marguerites with divisions to create uniformity in your garden. The growth rate of these plants often requires division every two years, ideally in the spring before the growing season begins in earnest. Here’s how to propagate:

How to Grow Golden Marguerite From Seeds

To grow a golden marguerite from seeds, begin by collecting seeds from spent blossoms. Start the seeds indoors using growing trays and a soil medium designed for germination. The seeds will start to germinate between two to four weeks, at which point you can transplant them to a new location in your garden if the last frost of the season has occurred. Otherwise, continue to cultivate indoors until winter is over.


Although golden marguerites can withstand mild winter temperatures, they will not survive frosts or wet winters. Prepare for cold weather by deadheading flowers. You can overwinter golden marguerites indoors, transplanting them to a pot with good drainage that receives ample sunlight.

How to Get Golden Marguerite to Bloom

In the summer, the golden marguerite blooms into daisy-like clusters of flowers, producing an herby, chamomile fragrance. Its flowers are a deep, bright yellow and usually bloom for three months. While they are classified as perennials, some gardeners find that they are better defined as biennials. The best way to ensure blooming solid golden marguerites is to deadhead the blossoms. Doing so can encourage the plant to produce fresh new blooms and keep it vibrant into early fall.