Vinca minor vines are often planted beneath mature trees, where most lawn grass struggles with the lack of available sun. Drought tolerant, this hearty vine also won’t need to compete with tree roots for moisture. This shade-loving vine can provide better coverage for those troublesome bare spots with the bonus of a spring floral display. Their creeping, sprawling habit of setting down roots also makes vinca minor a good choice for slopes, hillsides, and other areas where rainfall and water cause erosion. Because of their ability to root and spread, they can help hold the soil in place.


Vinca minor grows in partial sun, partial shade, and full shade. It tolerates deep shade conditions but may burn in direct sunlight. For best results, plant them in partial shade. Also, they are a good choice for a ground cover for an area with dry shade.


Vinca minor vines require good drainage. Space them about a foot apart if you want to fill in an area quickly. Achieving vigorous growth is usually not difficult for these plants. Indeed, the very fact that they grow so well can sometimes be a problem. They will thrive in soils rich in compost, but they will tolerate poorer soils.


While the plants will grow better in moist soils, its vines are pretty drought-tolerant once mature.

Temperature and Humidity

Although it is a long-lived plant, it can suffer from many diseases, especially in humid, wet climates. They are completely intolerant of frost, so if you want to bring them in for the winter, be sure to move the plants indoors when night temperatures drop down to about 50 degrees Fahrenheit. 


Fertilizer gives vinca minor a boost, making its foliage a more brilliant green and may help produce more blooms. Fertilizing your vinca minor monthly with an evenly balanced fertilizer (equal parts nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) may be helpful if your soil lacks sufficiently rich organic matter, but it is not necessary since vinca minor does well in poor soil, too.

Propagating Vinca Minor

Vinca minor can be grown from seed, but it grows slowly. You can also do a stem cutting, but that takes a little more work since you have to get the stem to root. Your best bet is to use divisions or nursery transplants. Dividing established plants is the quickest way to propagate. To divide vinca minor, take these easy steps:

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Vinca minor will attract all the typical indoor and outdoor pests, including aphids, spider mites, scale, and whiteflies. Use insecticidal soap or neem oil to control any infestations. The vine is also susceptible to wilt and dieback, which is typically caused by fungal diseases. Vinca minor could also experience canker lesions on the stem. Fungal leaf spots can also attack the leaves, but an infected leaf can be cut off and thrown away. To avoid fungal problems, water the soil, not the leaves.