Growing peppers can be somewhat trickier than other garden crops, but serrano peppers are one of the easiest types to grow. They should be planted in the spring after all danger of frost has passed and will generally be ready to harvest within three months. Be aware that the leaves, seeds, and fruits of the plants contain capsaicin, a compound that creates a burning sensation.

Selecting a Planting Site

Pick a sunny garden spot with rich soil that has good drainage. Container growth is also an option, but choose a container that’s 3 to 5 gallons.  Moreover, choosing proper plant companions in the garden is good for peppers. The best companions include other peppers, tomatoes, basil, parsley, carrots, parsnips, beets, garlic, onions, and radishes. Peppers don’t do well planted near fennel or kohlrabi. Furthermore, rotate your pepper plantings every year, and don’t plant them where other members of the nightshade (Solanaceae) family have been planted in the previous two years, as the plants tend to share the same pests and diseases.

Spacing, Depth, and Support

Sow seeds indoors roughly 1/4 inch deep, and position nursery plants at the same depth they were growing in their previous container. Space plants 1 to 2 feet apart in rows between 24 and 42 inches apart. You might want to stake your plants, as they stems can be fragile when heavy with fruit.

Serrano Pepper Plant Care


Being a tropical plant, serrano peppers need full sun to thrive. At least six hours of direct sunlight per day is ideal.


These peppers need an organically rich, well-draining soil. A slightly acidic to neutral soil pH is best. Adding about an inch of compost at the time of planting is key for creating the fertile soil they love.


Soil that’s consistently moist but never soggy is ideal for growing serrano peppers. Water whenever the soil feels dry 1 to 2 inches down, but don’t allow the plants to become waterlogged. Also, water at the base of the plants instead of from above to help prevent disease.

Temperature and Humidity

Serrano peppers do best in a warm, humid environment. They are frost-sensitive and are often grown as annuals outside of their native tropical climate. Temperatures around 75 degrees Fahrenheit are optimal. In warmer weather, check regularly to make sure they are getting enough water. When temperatures reach above 90 degrees, peppers may stop producing during extreme heat.


These plants are heavy feeders. Fertilize at the time of planting and then throughout the growing season. Use a balanced vegetable fertilizer, following label instructions.


Pepper plants are self-pollinating with the help of wind and animals. You can also gently shake your plants to aid in pollination.

Types of Serrano Peppers

There are several serrano varieties, including:

‘Serrano Del Sol’: This variety boasts large peppers and is notoriously prolific. ‘Serrano Purple’: The peppers on this plant mature to a purple color and are slightly longer than the main cultivar. ‘Serrano Tampiqueno’: These peppers are notably hot and flavorful, and they grow in a distinctive club shape.

Serrano Peppers vs. Jalapeño Peppers

Serranos and jalapeños are cultivars within the same species. And being closely related, they are often mistaken for one another. They are quite similar in appearance and flavor. However, serranos are slightly smaller and pack more heat than jalapeños. Serrano peppers are rated between 10,000 to 23,000 Scoville units for heat.

Harvesting Serrano Peppers

Serrano peppers will generally be ready to harvest in around 80 days, though this can slightly vary depending on the type. Wait until the peppers have reached their mature size for the best flavor. It’s recommended to harvest when the peppers are still green, as frequent harvest encourages more flowering and production. However, you can also allow them to fully ripen for peak color and flavor on the vine. Use shears to cut them off the vine rather than pulling them to avoid injuring the tender stems. Wear gloves when handling the plants and avoid touching your face to protect your skin from the capsaicin. You can store your peppers in the fridge for up to a week and use them fresh or cooked. The peppers also freeze well.

How to Grow Serrano Peppers in Pots

If you don’t have the garden space for growing serranos, a container is a great alternative. Plus, you can easily move a container into the sun to ensure your plant is getting enough light. A 3- to 5-gallon container is ideal. A plant will survive in something slightly smaller, but its output will likely be diminished. Make sure the container has ample drainage holes. Unglazed clay is a good material to allow excess soil moisture to escape through its walls. 


For the most part, pruning won’t be necessary. If suckers start growing around the plant’s base, trim them off to allow the plant to focus its energy on the primary stems that will bear the most fruit. Also, pinch off any blossoms that appear early in the season to let the plant focus its energy on growth before it bears fruit.

Propagating Serrano Peppers

Seeds or nursery starts are the most common way to grow serranos. But it’s also possible to propagate them via cuttings. Cuttings allow you to essentially clone a plant, so you can take them from a serrano plant you like—potentially for its taste or fruit production. The best time to do this is in the early summer. Here’s how:

How to Grow Serrano Peppers From Seed

It is relatively easy to grow these peppers from seed. If you are starting them in containers, use biodegradable pots to avoid disturbing the growing seedlings once you move them to their eventual planting site. Add three seeds to each pot filled with moist soilless potting mix, and lightly cover them in soil. Thin them to one plant per pot after germination. The seeds need a decent amount of warmth for germination, preferably around 80 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, as well as plenty of sunlight. A heat mat placed under the tray helps speed germination. Make sure the growing medium remains moist but has good drainage. The seeds should germinate in about two weeks.

Potting and Repotting Serrano Peppers

A potting mix that’s rich and well-draining is ideal for growing serrano peppers. One that’s formulated for vegetables is often sufficient. It’s best to plant your serranos in a container that will hold their mature size to avoid having to repot and disturb their sensitive roots. Water well after potting. And check the container’s moisture level often, as potted plants generally dry out faster than those grown in the ground.


If you don’t live within the serrano pepper’s growing zones, it is possible to bring a potted plant indoors to overwinter. Make sure to do so prior to any threat of frost in the fall forecast. Keep your plant by the brightest window you have, preferably a south-facing one. And water when the top inch of soil dries out. Also, be sure to protect the plant from drafts and drying air from heating vents.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases

Peppers typically don’t have as many pest and disease issues as other members of the nightshade family. But certain issues still might arise. Common pests include cutworms, aphids, and whiteflies. These can be removed by spraying them with a garden hose spray or using a natural insecticidal soap. Moreover, verticillium wilt is a common disease that causes yellowing and wilting of the foliage. Practicing crop rotation and treating pest and disease issues promptly are some of the best tactics to keep your garden healthy.