If you have chosen to contract with a pest control provider for service, there are steps that you will need to take to prepare. Before performing this or any service, professional pest control operators (PCOs) will usually provide you with a specific list of preparation activities to be completed before they arrive. The following are some of the most common recommendations made by PCOs—and should also be followed before using any over-the-counter pest control products yourself. Because a lack of preparation could make treatment unsafe or cause reinfestation of the entire home or building, many PCOs will not treat areas that are not prepared to specifications. You can help your PCO rid your home of a flea problem by doing the following things.

Before-Service Preparation

Be prepared to leave your home or apartment during treatment and until the insecticide has thoroughly dried. This will take approximately three to five hours, or the time advised by your pest control operator. Bring your pets (including caged animals such as birds, reptiles, and hamsters) with you when you leave home and have pets with fur treated for fleas by a veterinarian. Remove all pets and have them treated for fleas by a veterinarian. If you plan to treat the animal yourself, it is essential that all label directions be followed and that you use only products specified for the species of animal on which the product is to be used. It is critical, however, that pets be treated at the same time as the home so that neither reinfests the other afterward. Also, consider using a flea repellent to help prevent the problem from reoccurring. Follow these other pre-service preparations:

Wash all pet bedding in hot water or destroy it. Vacuum all carpeting and mop wood and tile floors, including along walls and inside closets. Clean or vacuum furniture, especially between and under cushions. Dispose of vacuum cleaner bag in a trash container outside your home, close tightly. If using a vacuum with a reusable bag, empty contents into a container outside your home, close it tightly, and discard. Wash reusable bag in hot water. Cover fish tanks with wet towels and turn off pumps until reoccupying home. Pick up all toys and items off the floor. This includes picking up items from floors inside closets and under beds. Strip all bed linens and wash them in hot water. Cover and store any open food products, dishes, or utensils. If the yard also is to be treated, the same steps as directed for in the home must be followed—that is, wash all pet bedding (or seats or cushions pets normally use outside) in hot water and pick up all toys and items from the lawn and areas to be treated.

After-Service Care

Once you have returned home after three to five hours, ensure that the home is completely aired out before allowing sensitive individuals, such as small children, or vulnerable pets back into the home.

To give the treatment time to work, do not clean the carpet or floors for at least two weeks after treatment.Your PCO will most likely shut down the air system during service. This should be turned back on upon reoccupation.If your stove has a pilot light, the PCO will also likely turn off the pilot light during service. Relight it once you return home.