Whatever the disaster, it is important to get rid of any stains or residue from your washer and dryer drums quickly because they can be transferred to the next load of clean clothes.

Removing Ink Stains From Appliances

Before You Begin

After you have unloaded the clothes and discovered the mishap, inspect each fabric item for stains and learn how to remove the specific type of ink that left the problem. It is important to treat the clothes first to help avoid set-in stains before you tackle the washer or dryer.

What You Need


Rubbing alcoholWater


Old cloth or sponge

Removing Melted Wax

Before You Begin

As with ink from pens, start by first treating the greasy stains on the clothes. Whether it is a melted ChapStick, crayons or an in-dryer bar that has gotten overheated, it’s important to remove any residue that remains in the drum. The next time the dryer gets hot, the wax will transfer to clean clothes.

What You Need


Distilled white vinegarRubbing alcoholWaterIce


Old cloths and ragsBlunt plastic knife or old credit card

Removing Dye Stains

Before You Begin

We all know about dye transfer when that red sock gets into a load of white clothes and those dye stains need immediate attention. Then it’s time to check your washer and dryer drums. This cleaning process should also be done after using your washer to dye clothing with commercial dyes or natural dyes.

What You Need


Chlorine bleachWater


Old cloths and ragsRubber glovesBucket