However, you can’t simply grab a pressure washer and start spraying without risking damage to the surface you are trying to clean. Keep reading to learn about the various parts of a pressure washer, the dangers of using a pressure washer, and how to use a pressure washer properly.

Parts of a Pressure Washer

There are five main parts of a pressure washer that are important to know and be able to identify before you start working with one of these tools.

Motor/Engine: The motor or engine can run on either gas or electricity. If you have an electric pressure washer, then you will need to plug it into an available electrical outlet in order to run this machine, but if you have a gas-powered pressure washer, then you will have to ensure the tank is filled before trying to use the pressure washer. Water Pump: The water pump is the part of the pressure washer responsible for pumping the water with enough force to generate the high-pressure output used for cleaning tough, porous material. Water Inlet: Connect the garden hose to the water inlet to provide a constant supply of water to the pressure washer. High-Pressure Hose: After the water flows into the pressure washer, it’s pumped out through the high-pressure hose. These hoses can range in length, though they are typically about 20 to 50 feet.Wand and Nozzle Attachments: At the end of the high-pressure hose is the wand and the currently installed nozzle attachment. The wand is used to control the direction and output of the pressure washer. You need to squeeze the trigger on the wand for the water to spray out of the nozzle at the end of the wand. There are a variety of nozzle attachments to choose from based on the angle of the spray pattern, from white nozzles at 40 degrees to red nozzles at 0 degrees.

Safety Considerations

Spraying yourself in the face with a garden hose will probably be a bit surprising and possibly unpleasant, but depending on how hot it is outside, it could just be refreshing. Spraying yourself in the face with a pressure washer can result in permanent damage to your eyes, as well as severe bruising and abrasions on the skin, so it’s better to learn how to handle this tool properly. Always wear protective eyewear, closed-toe shoes, and gloves to help keep you safe while you work. Also, pay attention to where you are directing the pressure washer. Avoid electrical outlets, lights, windows, and loose gravel that can be kicked up by the force of the spray. It’s recommended to cover foliage before using a pressure washer so that sensitive plants are protected from the powerful spray. Additionally, it should be mentioned that using a pressure washer on a ladder is a bad idea. If you know anything about physics, then you know that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Put plainly, the force generated by the pressure washer will force the water out forwards at a very high pressure, but it also pushes back against the user, which can cause them to fall backwards off a ladder. Gas powered pressure washers are stronger than electric models and should be used with discretion in order to avoid damage to the pressure washed material.

How to Use a Pressure Washer

White nozzles have a 40-degree fan pattern spray that is better for softer surfaces.Green nozzles have a 25-degree fan pattern spray that is slightly more powerful than the white nozzle.Yellow nozzles have a 15-degree fan pattern spray, which is significantly more powerful than the white nozzle.Red nozzles have a direct, 0-degree spray pattern that provides the most powerful output. Take care not to damage the target surface if you opt for a red nozzle. Black nozzles are made for dispensing soap. They restrict the flow of the liquid to better apply the soap to the surface.

Connect the high-pressure hose to the pressure washer, then turn on the pressure washer and set it to the lowest power setting. Make sure that the nozzle is pointed away from you in the direction of the target surface. Grip the wand and pull the trigger to start spraying. Starting on low power helps to avoid accidentally damaging the target surface with a powerful burst of water at close range, but you should still start in a small corner or inconspicuous section in case there is some marking or damage from the water. As soon as the water starts spraying from the pressure washer, you should be able to see whether the high-pressure spray is effective at the current distance. At this distance and angle, the water shouldn’t damage the surface of wood, brick, concrete, or cement, but it could still break glass and electrical fixtures, so make sure you avoid these delicate objects. If the spray isn’t cleaning the surface very well, move towards the target surface and adjust the angle of the nozzle to increase the force at which the spray is hitting the surface. You can also swap the white nozzle out for a nozzle with a more direct spray. This method takes advantage of gravity to help drain away the water and avoid creating dirt lines in the material. You can follow a similar pattern for surfaces that are underfoot, like a driveway or deck. Choose one size that will serve as the top and gradually work your way down to the bottom by cleaning in long horizontal lines. Refill the pressure washer with washer and run it for about 3 to 5 minutes in order to thoroughly rinse the water lines. When you are confident that the soap has been rinsed out of the pressure washer, empty the tank and wipe it down with a microfiber cloth before storing the pressure washer in the shed or garage.