Love-lies-bleeding (Amaranthus caudatus) usually has tiny blood-red, petal-free flowers. Blooms form narrowly, drooping tassel-like, terminal panicles throughout the growing season. Inspired by this shape, this cultivar is also commonly known as tassel flower. Each panicle hangs straight down to 12 inches and at times up to 24 inches long. Seeds are edible and grown purposefully as a pseudocereal crop in parts of South America. Everlasting flowers retain their color and can be dried and included in attractive arrangements. Welcome love-lies-bleeding to garden beds or borders to add a distinct, eye-catching aesthetic. Since it is an especially large annual, it may require staking. If there is no space for love-lies-bleeding in the ground, plant it in containers or hanging baskets. Flowers will attract butterflies and other pollinators.


Position in full sun to part shade after the soil has warmed. The sun-loving plant thrives in quite warm weather and will not grow in full shade, but it does appreciate afternoon shade in exceptionally hot summer climates.


Grow love-lies-bleeding in mildly acidic soil of a pH between 5.5 to 6.5. While it grows well in average, well-draining, and well-fertilized soils, some gardeners say it has the best color when planted in poor soil. Any light (sandy), medium (loamy), or heavy (clay) soil will do. If fertilizing the plant, use onlyorganic fertilizer.


This fairly drought-resistant plant still benefits from good watering practice. Seeds require balanced moisture levels. Then, until seedlings are established and growing actively, they still require evenly moist soil. Once established, the love-lies-bleeding plant needs little attention.

Temperature and Humidity

Plants are not frost-hardy. The most cold-tolerant Amaranthus cultivars can tolerate temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. In areas where there is no frost, it may last as a perennial. Love-lies-bleeding is sensitive to the length of the day and does not perform well in northern latitudes. Germination happens quickly in warm soil.


Foliage often comes in an attractive pale green. The love-lies-bleeding Amaranthus cultivar ‘Tricolor’ has multi-colored foliage and is sometimes called ‘Joseph’s Coat.‘ ‘Viridis’ and ‘Green Thumb’ cultivars have green tassels. Here are two other varieties:

Amaranthus caudatus ‘Coral Fountain’ has wooly, pink or blush flowers that cascade like a waterfall. This heirloom variety blooms mid to late summer until the first frost and mingles well in bouquets. Growing 3 to 5 feet tall, it thrives in full sun in USDA Zones 2 through 11.Amaranthus caudatus ‘Dreadlocks’ has magenta-colored blooms and sturdy stems. Blooming from late summer to fall, it grows a humble 3 to 4 feet tall. Like ‘Coral Fountain,’ ‘Dreadlocks’ is hardy in USDA Zones 2 through 11.


You can use root cuttings to propagate plants. Harvest the seeds just before the plant matures to avoid losing any seed.

Common Pests and Diseases

Watch for aphids, root rot in poorly drained soils, and fungal leaf spot diseases.