
The philodendron micans enjoys bright to medium indirect light. Avoid prolonged periods of direct sunlight as it can burn the delicate leaves, causing discoloration and crispy edges.  The amount of light that your philodendron micans is exposed to will ultimately influence the color of the leaves. Increased light will cause the leaves to stay red/maroon, while lower light will result in leaves that are a deeper green color.


This tropical aroid requires an airy, moist, well-draining soil mixture that is rich in organic matter. While it can technically survive in a standard potting soil, the philodendron micans will thrive in a custom soil mix designed to meet its needs. Try mixing together 1 part potting soil, 1 part orchid bark, 1 part perlite, and 1 part peat moss or coco coir to create the ideal potting mix for your philodendron micans.


Water your philodendron micans once the top 2-3 inches of the soil have dried out. Another easy way to tell if your micans needs water is to check the leaves: once it is thirsty the leaves will start to droop and curl inwards slightly. These philodendrons are sensitive to overwatering so ensure that you are never letting the roots sit in water.

Temperature and Humidity

Native to tropical environments, the philodendron micans thrives in warm temperatures and humid conditions. Typical household temperature levels are more than adequate for the philodendron micans, just ensure that you keep your plant away from any cold, drafty windows or air vents. For the most part, average household humidity levels are also sufficient for a philodendron micans, although providing extra humidity for your plant can help to boost its growth.


As long as your philodendron micans is planted in a potting medium that is rich in organic matter, it will not require any heavy fertilization. That being said, it can benefit from some light fertilization with a balanced all-purpose fertilizer throughout the spring and summer to help boost growth.


Regular pruning will help to ensure that your philodendron micans does not become leggy as pruning encourages the stems to branch. The spring and summer are the best times to prune your philodendron micans as it is in its active growing period. Using a pair of sterilized pruning shears, prune any stems that are particularly long. Save any stem trimmings as they can be used for propagation.

Propagating Philodendron Micans

These gorgeous plants may be difficult to come by, but once you have one in your possession they are easy to propagate. Easily create new plants with stem cuttings in just a few simple steps:

Common Pests

Philodendron micans is susceptible to a number of common houseplant pests including scale, aphids, fungus gnats, and mealybugs. Ensure that you check the plant frequently for signs of an infestation so that you can catch it early—you don’t want pests spreading to your other houseplants too.

Common Problems With Philodendron Micans

Similar to many other philodendron varieties, the philodendron micans is relatively problem-free and easy to care for. Any issues that may arise are usually a result of improper watering, drainage, or lighting.

Curling Leaves

Curling leaves are usually an indication that your micans needs more moisture. Sometimes this is easily fixed with a quick watering, but other times it may mean that your plant has insufficient roots (either from rotting or being dried out too much) and cannot absorb the moisture in the soil properly. If watering doesn’t fix the issue, check your plant’s roots. If there are issues with the roots, you can transfer your plant to water to help regrow roots. Follow the propagation steps 3-7 to help your plant grow new roots.

Plant Leaves Falling Off

Sometimes leaves falling off is just a natural part of the plant maturing. If you are noticing older leaves falling off every once and a while, you likely don’t have anything to worry about. However, if you are noticing lots of leaves suddenly dropping or new leaves falling off then you may have an issue with under watering. Ensure that you don’t let your plant dry out too much between waterings.

Mushy Stems

If your micans is suffering from mushy stems then you are likely overwatering your plant, or it does not have sufficient drainage. Ensure that your plant is in a container with drainage holes, and allow the top 2-3 inches of the soil to dry out between waterings.