To help with your selection, we considered numerous products and evaluated them on how easy they are to use, how easy to spread, and the best value. Our choice for all-around fertilizer is The Andersons Professional PGF 16-0-8 Fertilizer with Humic DG.  Here are our top picks for the best lawn fertilizers to suit just about every lawn type. Fertilizing less often actually promotes root growth, as roots need to stretch deeper into the soil layer to find nutrients rather than expecting them on a regular basis. This fertilizer breaks down in about two months, allowing you to spread out your fertilizing schedule. Humic DG, which is promoted on the label, is similar in composition to the rich upper layer of soil made up of predominantly organic matter. This acts as a soil conditioner, providing additional nutrients to allow for robust plant roots.  While this brand may lack a fancy label, it has a simple-to-use formula, easy-to-read bag, and excellent price point. Price at time of publish: $43 We like that GreenView offers a satisfaction guarantee and employs customer representatives who are knowledgeable about the product specifics. From consulting with the manufacturer, we learned this fertilizer is designed to work its best at temperatures above 60 degrees, which is particularly important to note for those who reside in the far northern states. (In this case, “fall” might imply mid-August.)Price at time of publish: $26 Milorganite is not certified as organic, but the nitrogen sources come from residuals left over from waste management facilities. It costs more than many other fertilizer types but is effective for up to 10 weeks after application. It probably takes several seasons to finish an entire package. Price at time of publish: $21 The bag is easy to read, with instructions on how to calibrate your spreader, and the exact amounts needed to take the guesswork out of applying. (Make sure to follow instructions, as it is possible to burn grass if not applied evenly!) One bag covers about 5,000 square feet (greater than the size of a basketball court). Though rare in most soils, if you have a phosphorous deficiency, this fertilizer is not effective. The Scotts brand is perhaps the most recognizable in lawn care; as a result, you can find this product just about anywhere, and often on sale, making it a great budget buy for basic lawn care needs. Price at time of publish: $27 To further enhance its product, Simple Lawn uses fish and seaweed; both provide plants with additional nutrition, and fish fertilizer can be a source of burn-free nitrogen. Simple Lawn is quick-absorbing and can be used throughout the growing season, spring through summer.  Price at time of publish: $22 The nitrogen is derived from feather meal and poultry manure, which can take up to two months to fully break down, slowly feeding your grass the entire time. Excluding phosphorus makes it a wise choice for those living near vulnerable waterways, where algal blooms are a concern. Price at time of publish: $45 Since UltraGreen is slow feeding, you shouldn’t worry about remembering to put down fertilizer with frequency, as it feeds for at least three months. (Due to this slow absorption, if you live in an area with a rainy season, you risk this fertilizer washing away.) So, if you’ve recently moved or are revamping your landscape, Pennington makes an excellent fertilizer to strengthen new grasses, whether you start from seed or sod. Price at time of publish: $24 Unlike many weed-and-feed products, it can be used on just about every grass type, although we have noted issues with certain varieties of St. Augustine grass. Scotts contains the herbicide 24-D, so it’s best to keep kids and pets off grass for 24 hours following application. Price at time of publish: $26 Slow-release BarkYard continues to feed your lawn well into the hot summer months; you shouldn’t need to apply it more than every two months during the growing season. The low numbers and zero phosphorus make it less susceptible to runoff and prevent burning grass with too much nitrogen. While priced affordably, it covers only 4,000 square feet, unlike the 5,000+ (about the size of a basketball court) asserted by every other product on this list. Price at time of publish: $39


The absolute most important aspect of lawn fertilization is understanding the three big nutrient needs required for grass to be at its best. Generally, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are listed front and center on any fertilizer bag, with the percentages of package weight listed clearly. Understanding what each one does helps you make the best choice for whatever you plan to fertilize, whether it’s your lawn, flower beds, or homegrown vegetables.

Nitrogen (N), listed first, is the most important nutrient for overall growth, says Chris Enroth, a horticulture educator at the University of Illinois Extension. It promotes healthy blade development and is responsible for the bright green we love to see in lawns. “The primary nutrient for lawn growth is nitrogen,” he says. “And to grass, nitrogen is nitrogen. It does not matter how it is derived.“Phosphorus (P) is the second number and is responsible for developing healthy roots in grass. In larger plants, it is essential for flower and fruit development. Most lawns tend to be deficient in phosphorus; however, grass is not a notorious heavy phosphorus feeder. If you live near a waterway or in a county that bans fertilizer during the rainy season, products containing phosphorus are not permitted for lawn use. If you suspect you may have a deficiency, a quick soil test or plant tissue test should let you know.Potassium (K), also known as “potash,” helps roots dive deeper into the soil, helping grass resist stressors such as heat or drought. While nitrogen allows for quick growth, it is necessary to encourage those roots to stretch out and not become reliant on a quick fix from a heavy nitrogen source.

Organic vs. Synthetic

Made from processed minerals, synthetic fertilizers are designed to meet plant needs quickly and efficiently, releasing nutrients at the root level, and allowing for easy uptake (much like a trip through the drive-thru is a quick fix for us). Organic fertilizers contain materials sourced from natural organisms and plant material, including ingredients such as bone meal, poultry feathers, limestone, and cornmeal. Organic fertilizers require adequate time to break down and a considerable amount to remain in the soil to feed microorganisms that also reside there. Those microorganisms work to break down hard-to-digest minerals for easier plant absorption, benefiting everyone. Organics usually need fewer annual applications. 

Application Type

Typically, fertilizers are sold in slow-release or quick-release formats. Representing the quick-release method, liquid fertilizers are water soluble and can be taken up by plants almost immediately. Slow-release fertilizers are not water-soluble and are usually sold in a granular, polymer-coated format. As these break down, they slowly release nutrients into the soil, which the plant can take up when it needs it. This also allows for fewer applications annually, as slow-release products take up to three months to fully break down. The slow breakdown also helps prevent the likelihood of burning plants through too much nitrogen fed too quickly.

Why Trust The Spruce?

This article was written by Amanda Rose Newton, a freelance writer and garden reviewer for The Spruce. To make this list, Amanda Rose tested each product on various grass types, following manufacturers’ instructions. She also considered the difficulty in application, chemicals used, and green growth. For expert advice, we also spoke with Chris Enroth, a horticulture educator at the University of Illinois Extension, and Veronica Lorson Fowler, former editor of Better Homes and Garden’s “Flower Gardening” magazine and a master gardener based in Ames, Iowa. Each fertilizer manufacturer has requirements for when to fertilize. When reviewing the label, be sure to look for the following:Watering: Some brands require application on wet grass, and some require fertilizers to be watered in. A few brands require both.Mowing: Fertilizers can be very specific when it comes to mowing. Some want you to mow a day or two before, and some do not. As a rule, shorter grass makes it easier for the fertilizer to reach the soil, so it’s always best to mow before applying. Likewise, unless specifically instructed, avoid mowing right after fertilizing so you don’t accidentally kick up the fertilizer.Rain: Rain can wash away fresh fertilizer, and that is especially problematic if you live near a waterway, where the fertilizer can seep in. Do your best to avoid fertilizing when rain is forecast. Cool-season grasses, such as Kentucky blue, rye, and fescue, do best with a fertilization schedule starting in April, with a second treatment in September, and a third in November, before dormancy sets in. Fall fertilization is key for cool-season grasses and less of a concern for warm-season varieties, as the dormancy period is much shorter.