In Asian culture, this philosophy is called the Tao, which translates to mean “the way." Taoism is the way of nature, and all the basic rules of feng shui reflect nature. Here’s a look at the essential principles of feng shui: the commanding position, the bagua, and the five elements. 

The Commanding Position

If you’d like to feng shui your home, first you need to know about the commanding position. In feng shui, the commanding position is the spot in a room that is the farthest from the door and not in direct line with it. It puts you diagonal to the door. And ideally, you should have a clear line of sight to the door. The commanding position is where you want to spend most of your time in a room. Some of the basic rules of feng shui suggest you determine this dominant position in the room and then place your bed, your desk, or your stove in diagonal alignment if possible. These three parts of your house are critical because each represents an essential part of your life. The bed stands for you, the desk is an extension of your career, and the stove represents your wealth and nourishment.

The Feng Shui Bagua Map

A bagua is the feng shui energy map superimposed on the floor plan of your home. The Chinese word “bagua” translates to mean “eight areas.” Each of the eight areas relates to a different life circumstance, such as family, wealth, or career. And each of these areas has corresponding shapes, colors, seasons, number, and earthly elements. At the center of the bagua—a ninth area—is you, representing your overall wellness. There are several feng shui schools of thought. All of them use baguas when analyzing your home; however, some apply the bagua in different ways. The Western and BTB (Black Sect) schools usually lay the bagua so that the knowledge, career, and helpful people areas align with the front door of the home. The Flying Stars and other classical schools might orient the bagua based on the energy of the year or the compass.

The Bagua Areas

The easiest way to incorporate the bagua into your life and to feng shui your home is to identify one to three areas that need the most attention. Do not attempt to work on all areas at once. To strengthen your energy or improve flow in those areas, incorporate feng shui tips in that particular area.

Family (Zhen)

Representing: Family, new beginningsShape: Columnar, rectangularColors: Green, blues, tealSeason: SpringNumber: 4Element: Yang wood

Wealth (Xun)

Representing: Wealth, abundance, prosperityShape: Columnar, rectangularColors: PurpleSeason: SpringNumber: 5Element: Yin wood

Health (Tai Qi)

Representing: Overall wellness, the centerShape: Flat, squareColors: Brown, orange, yellowSeason: Transitions between the seasonsNumber: 5Element: Earth

Helpful People (Qian)

Representing: Helpful people, benefactors, travelShape: Circular, sphericalColors: Gray, metallicsSeason: AutumnNumber: 6Element: Yang metal

Children (Dui)

Representing: Children, completion, joyShape: Circular, sphericalColors: White, metallicsSeason: AutumnNumber: 7Element: Yin metal

Knowledge (Gen)

Representing: Knowledge, self-cultivation, skillfulnessShape: Flat, squareColors: Dark blueSeason: Transitions between the seasonsNumber: 8Element: Yang earth

Fame (Li)

Representing: Fame, reputation, passion, visibilityShape: Triangle, pointyColors: RedSeason: SummerNumber: 9Element: Fire

Career (Kan)

Representing: Career, path in lifeShape: Wavy, curvyColors: BlackSeason: WinterNumber: 1Element: Water

Partnerships (Kun)

Representing: Partnerships, marriage, self-careShape: Flat, squareColors: PinkSeason: Transitions between the seasonsNumber: 2Element: Yin earth

The Five Elements

The five elements of feng shui—earth, metal, water, wood, and fire—come from the Taoist tradition. The elements are five interrelated phases in life that work together to create a complete system. Typically, when you feng shui your home, you balance these five elements. To incorporate the elements in your life and your home, you have to define where you want to focus your energy. Much like the bagua, you choose the one to three areas of your life you want to improve. Then, you strengthen your energy and your home’s energy by adding the suggested colors or shapes in that room. For example, your bagua shows that your bedroom aligns with your overall wellness and the place where you rejuvenate. It ties into the earth element. Consider ways to incorporate earth tones, ceramic or clay pottery, stones, or crystals in that room. After you have made improvements there, focus on a couple of other rooms or areas of your life. Look at the corresponding elements in those rooms, and bring in feng shui items that correspond with them. The intent is to bring positive energy to those rooms, those areas of your life, and ultimately your entire home.


Qualities: Grounded, self-care, stableShape: Flat, squareColors: Brown, orange, yellowSeason: Transitions between the seasonsAreas: Wellness, knowledge, partnerships 


Qualities: Efficient, precise, beauty Shape: Circular, sphericalColors: White, metallicsSeason: AutumnAreas: Helpful people, children


Qualities: Downward, flowing, shiftingShape: Wavy, curvyColors: BlackSeason: WinterArea: Career


Qualities: Expansive, vitality, upwardShape: Columnar, rectangularColors: Green, bluesSeason: SpringAreas: Family, wealth


Qualities: Passion, illuminating, brilliantShape: Triangle, pointyColors: RedSeason: SummerArea: Fame