“We estimate more than 18 million new gardeners entered the category in 2020,” says Burpee Executive Chairman George Ball. That trend is expected to continue in 2021. As more gardeners break ground, Burpee, a leading seed and plant company in the U.S., wants new and seasoned gardeners to grow with confidence. The 145-year-old garden company recently launched the 2021 GardenCast, its first-ever annual gardening trend forecast designed to inspire new and experienced gardeners.

What is GardenCast?

GardenCast is a trend forecast influenced by cultural trends and expert insights. From vegetables and herbs to flowers and ornamental grasses, GardenCast features plants and trends that Burpee expects its customers to be excited about this year. Burpee’s panel of experts includes Ball, former Royal Horticulture Society Judge Simon Crawford, HGTV star Kelly Edwards, and registered dietitian Marisa Moore, MBA. RDN. L.D. The primary interest of gardeners for this year will continue to be a mix of edibles, ornamentals, and house plants. “Last year, we saw particularly strong growth in edibles—namely tomatoes, peppers, squash, and beans,” says Jamie Mattikow, Burpee CEO and President, “There was also heightened interest in many heirloom and organic varieties.” Mattikow expects this to continue in 2021. In addition to GardenCast, Burpee offers many tips and how-to’s through articles posted on their Garden Advice Center. Here are the top five types of gardening trends Burpee expects to see in 2021.

Immunity Garden

Vitamin-packed edibles can improve your wellbeing and fosters a healthy immune system. Improving health through food will be more critical than ever. “Planting an Immunity Garden right in your backyard will do a world of good,” says Moore. “It offers unlimited access to nutrient-dense vegetables that help support your overall health and wellbeing.” 

Quiet Garden 

The garden is a place to find inner peace. Many people are working from home full time now and have to juggle with at-home learning for the kids. With all the hustle and bustle indoors, some R&R outdoors is warranted. Venelin Dimitrov, a Horticultural Product, and Technique Expert, says it’s possible to “cultivate a tranquil environment where you can contemplate, meditate, relax and refresh.”

Garden of Joy

Gardening allows you to bring more joy, happiness, and laughter into your life in 2021. Flowers always make people smile, and growing your own is easier than ever. “You can grow a wide variety of vibrant flowers together in your garden, then pair blooms of the same shade together to create beautiful and tasteful bouquets for your home,” said Edwards.

World Herb Garden

For some, international travel is on hold for 2021. Although you may not physically travel, you can travel through your senses. The World Herb Garden inspires globe-trotting without leaving your backyard by growing a garden of bright, punchy, aromatic herbs from around the world. Herbs like basil, lemongrass, and cilantro are easy to grow and add an exotic flavor to your dishes. 

Rise of Meatless Monday

The rising trend in plant-based eating isn’t slowing in 2021. Growing plenty of vegetables in your home garden will give you instant access to fresh ingredients for a satisfying meal right at home.

How Has the Garden Shopping Experience Changed?

Online shopping experienced a massive rise in 2020 across all industries. First-time and seasoned gardeners purchased seeds, plants, and other garden products for the first time online. This trend led to unprecedented shortages. “We are seeing gardeners starting their shopping journey much earlier in the season,” says Mattikow, “We anticipate seeing even more of an emphasis on online sales.”  To bolster and prepare for the influx of online sales as the gardening season approaches, Mattikow says that Burpee has already increased their resources and capacity. “We are fully prepared to accommodate a sustained surge in demand,” says Mattikow.

Exciting New Varieties to Try

Burpee has some exciting new releases for 2021, including the Tiger Eye Hybrid Sunflower, Veranda Red Hybrid Tomato, Midnight Moon Hybrid Eggplant, and Bee’s Knees Petunia. The best part is that these plants are easily adaptable to all sorts of growing environments, including raised beds, pots, and urban spaces.  “Plenty of people around the country are challenged with limited space for their garden, so they are continuously looking for smart solutions, from window boxes to vertical planting hacks,” says Mattikow, “Our World Herb Garden trend can come to life in any environment, even in small indoor spaces, such as your kitchen counter.”