Learn about the pros and cons of clover lawns, and how to establish one in your yard. 

Benefits of a Clover Lawn

Clover lawns have numerous benefits, including infrequent mowing, minimal watering, no fertilization needs, and reducing the use of herbicides and pesticides. Clover also attracts pollinators, is pet-friendly, and helps with erosion control.

Infrequent Mowing

Unlike a conventional turfgrass lawn, a clover lawn only needs to be mowed a couple of times a year, as it only grows 2 to 8 inches tall. Most people mow it in mid-summer after the clover has bloomed and has dropped its seeds, and again four to six weeks before the first fall frost. Any additional mowing is optional.

Minimal Watering

Except during its establishment phase, a clover lawn does not need watering as clover has deep roots that draw moisture from deeper in the soil.

No Need for Fertilizer

Clover is botanically a legume. As such it can grow in poor soil and does not need fertilization. It is a nitrogen fixer—clover has the ability to absorb nitrogen in the atmosphere and transform it into nitrogen that can be used by plants.

No Herbicides or Pesticides

Because clover is such as vigorous and fast grower, it chokes out other weeds and makes herbicide unnecessary. The clover types used as turfgrass are also not prone to attacks by serious pests, such as lawn grubs.

Attracting Pollinators

Blooming clover attracts bees and other pollinators, which play a crucial role in our food web and whose numbers are dwindling because of widespread pesticide use and habitat loss. A clover lawn is an important contribution to preserving biodiversity.


If you add up the costs of lawn (grass seed, watering, gas for mowing, fertilizer and other chemicals, aeration) a clover lawn is more economical than turfgrass.


Unlike turfgrass, dog urine does not leave unsightly discolored or brown spots in the lawn.

Erosion Control

Clover can grow in compacted soil; its deep roots help with erosion control and naturally aerate and loosen up compacted soil so there is less rainwater run-off.

Disadvantages of a Clover Lawn

Although clover lawns are mainly beneficial, there are a few potential drawbacks to consider, including an increased presence of insects and a poor ability to withstand foot traffic.

Insects Stings

Blooming clove attracts bees and other insects that sting in defense. If you have children who play on the lawn, or you like to walk on it barefoot, plant microclover, a type that has fewer flowers. Mowing the clover lawn before or when the flowers are in bloom out of concern for stings is detrimental to your lawn being a food source for pollinators.

Foot Traffic

Clover alone does not hold up to foot traffic the same way as turfgrass but when combined with turfgrass, it makes a strong, walkable lawn that can withstand heavy traffic better.

Types of Clover for Lawns

Among the many different types of clover, the two mainly used for lawns are white clover and microclover. 

White clover (Trifolium repens), also called Dutch clover is the most popular clover seed for lawns. It has round, white, and fragrant flowers. While it is a rather short-lived perennial, it easily reseeds itself, so you don’t have to overseed the entire lawn, only the bare spots. Microclover is a dwarf variety of Dutch white clover. It is lower-growing, has smaller leaves, and fewer flowers. It does not grow in clumps, is less fast and less aggressive than white clover, therefore it is often planted in combination with turfgrass. Popular varieties include ‘Pirouette’ and ‘Pipolina’.

One disadvantage of microclover is that it is has poor shade tolerance and isn’t very tolerant of high temperatures and drought. In the height of the summer, when cool-season turfgrasses such as tall fescue turn dormant, it dies, which increases the likelihood of weeds filling the empty spots unless you reseed it promptly. Also, after the winter, there might be bare spots that need to be reseeded in the spring.

Mixing Clover with Turfgrass

Clover, especially white clover, is a vigorous grower. The plants compete with each other for water especially when planted densely and won’t do well in a drought. Clover and turfgrass such as tall fescue or Kentucky bluegrass, however, are good companion plants. Clover shades the soil, reduces water evaporation, and thus helps turfgrass survive periods of drought, as well as eliminating the need for fertilizer.

How to Plant a Clover Lawn 

Clover needs constant moisture to germinate. Sow it in the early spring in March or April.